Letter of Recommendation

   Scholarship Recommendation Letter — Already In College


___________________ is an extraordinary student, and deserving of the _____________ Scholarship. She is a freshman in my Public Speaking class and is also active in the debate team, which I advise.

______________ is clever, well-spoken and incredibly organized. She is the first freshman I have entrusted with our team's materials while traveling for debates. Besides admirable character, diligence and academic skills, she also has a great sense of humor.

Unfortunately, between the time since ______________ was accepted to the university and now, her family's financial situation has changed dramatically. She confided in me that her parents lost their home during the mortgage crisis, and subsequently her father was laid off. She has two siblings already in college, including one halfway through a private university.

________________ is unable to qualify for grants, and family credit problems limit her options for student loans. If she is not able to make up the difference, she will have to take on a second job (she already works part-time), put school on hold, or transfer to a community college for a year only to attempt to transfer back for her junior and senior years.

Please let me know if I can add any more informing in helping the scholarship committee to make its decision.

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