Letter of Recommendation

   LinkedIn Recommendations — Business And Management



_______________ is just what our company needed to get back on track. His approach to team-building was quickly embraced by our employees, who had previously been grumbling about the idea of some "feel-good outsider" coming in to tell us how to do things. His suggestions were insightful and were realistic to implement. I'd recommend his services to any company going through a rough spot, or even if things are running smoothly. He really brought us together, increasing both productivity and morale.

Department Manager

________________ was an inspiration to everyone in his department at XYZ Company. He management style is such that he was very well-liked by the staff, yet he is amazingly affective. His department showed a marked increase in productivity during his tenure.


It's hard to find managers who are both knowledgeable and perceptive. ___________ fits the bill. She set a great example for everyone who worked under her supervision at XYZ Company, and we also miss her great sense of humor. How many great managers to you meet who are also genuinely intuitive, inspirational people? _______________ is the only one I've met.

Project Manager

___________'s innovative ideas and approach to widgets are legendary at ABC Company. When new projects were announced, everyone scrambled to be on her team. ____________ leads confidently, but without arrogance. Perhaps even more impressively, she can also take direction well herself. I don't know if I've met anyone in business with better communication skills.


_________________ is a superior accountant. She is confident and efficient, with the training and experience to back it up. Accuracy is her middle name, even as she manages multiple, diverse projects at one time. She handled our entire, 300-person company's budget almost single-handedly and implemented new procedures to increase accountability.

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