I have been _____________________'s soccer coach for the last __________________ years at _______________________________ High School. During that time I have seen ________________ grow from a shy student with a lot of potential to a confident, talented young man with incredible footwork and a great drive to succeed.
When ______________________ joined my JV2 team, he had ____________ years of experience as a goalkeeper, but was eager to explore the whole field and try every position. That led to him discovering his talents as a striker. He has never shied away from trying new things and working hard to become great at it.
In addition to his determination and skill, ___________________ is a great student and kind to his peers. He always offers to pick up the balls and organize the equipment after practice, and gives rides to his teammates after games. He's a gifted athlete and a wonderful influence on others. If you need any other information, please feel free to contact me any time at ________________.
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