It is my pleasure to recommend ___________________ for college admission.
I have been teaching high school history for nine years, including three years of Advanced Placement U.S. history. I also coach the varsity basketball team.
_______________ excels both in class and on the basketball court. He is a pleasure to work with in both settings. He is very driven and has the admirable ability to focus like a laser on the task at hand. Not only did he attend every basketball practice and game this year; he volunteered to help coach the junior varsity team. The younger players see him as a mentor.
In my AP history class, _______________ is a frequent and thoughtful participant in classroom discussions. If he has any academic shortcomings, it is that his in-class enthusiasm is not always reflected on standardized tests. Still, he is in the top 15 percent of his graduating class.
I strongly recommend ________________. He is bright, personable and determined to succeed.
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