I’m writing to recommend _______________ for admission to your college. While I am new to the high school this year, ____________ immediately made an impression on me not only due to their academic drive and dedication, but their sense of humor and caring personality.
____________ has taken an extremely rigorous course of study in relation to other students.
____________ has taken eight AP classes. They have an unweighted GPA of 3.8, placing them 30th in their graduating class of 430 students.
I wanted to make sure that admissions officers are aware that our high school had few options for foreign language study last year, but ____________ took the initiative to take duel enrollment courses at our local community college and self-study for the AP French exam.
Additionally, during the coronavirus pandemic, ____________ was forced to unenroll from their performing arts electives because they were not offered remotely. However, they then stepped up to add classes in ____________ and ____________.
_______________ is well-prepared for college both academically and socially, and they would definitely be an asset to your university.
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