Letter of Recommendation

   Doctor Referral Letter

I have a patient I believe you’d like to see. _______________ presented at my office with an array of symptoms, including _______________. I ordered labs, which revealed _______________. The patient is showing improvement after taking _______________, but one issue persists that made me think of you immediately. Their medical history reveals _______________ as well as _______________.

Given your relevant professional expertise in _______________, I believe you and your ongoing research would benefit from evaluating _______________. And, needless to say, your valuable insights would be of great help to my patient and myself.

I’m sure you are swamped with _______________. If you’re able to fit _______________ into your schedule, please have your staff contact me and I will make sure all the relevant case notes are uploaded into your portal. Of course, I’d be happy to discuss the case with you at your convenience.

Thanks so much, _______________, for considering this consultation request. I look forward to hearing back from you regarding this case.

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