Letter of Recommendation

   Community Scholarship Recommendation

I give my strong and unequivocal recommendation to my student, _______________, for your scholarship. From volunteer work in the community to their efforts on campus, they have stood out with their passion for helping others.

_______________ organized a successful food drive on our high school campus, but they didn't stop there. The drive was extended to the nearby community college under their leadership, and ultimately more than 2,500 items were collected. Even more significantly, _______________ did not seek any recognition for their efforts, and in fact most people on campus don't know who was behind the event. This is just one example; I hope that _______________ wasn't too modest to outline their other activities.

Someone with a heart as giving as _______________ is especially deserving of this scholarship. Please give them your strong consideration, and don't hesitate to reach out for me if you would like further insight.

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