Letter of Recommendation

   Voice Coach Recommendation

Dear {Name}:

If you're looking for a vocal coach for your child, look no further than ____________. She is simply the best voice teacher in the region. It's rare that she has openings for new students, so I'd suggest you sign ____________ up right away.

In the two years that ____________ has been with ____________, she has gone from a kid who likes to sing to a concert-quality vocalist. She was also cast as the lead in the Anytown Community Theater production of Annie. I credit this to ____________'s teachings and audition prep. ____________ is patient and professional and her repertoire is amazing. (She is a licensed music teacher with many performances under her belt.)

Her style is to let the student take the lead on which songs to practice, but she gently nudges our daughter out of her comfort zone. ____________ is now as confident singing the blues as she is Disney or rock songs.

Please let me know if you'd like to talk more about ____________. My daughter would also be happy to talk with your daughter as well. My number is: ____________.

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