Letter of Recommendation

   Adoption Recommendation Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

It gives us great joy to recommend _______________ and ______________ as adoptive parents.

When we learned that our dear friends hope to adopt a child, we were immediately on board. There is no one we know of with bigger hearts or more open minds than this happy couple. Adoption would truly complete their family.

_______________ and ______________ are financially secure and well-positioned to provide for a child's material needs. More importantly, they are both empathetic, caring people ready to take on the challenges of parenting any child that they are blessed to welcome into their lives.

Children naturally gravitate toward this couple, due in part to their boundless energy. They are the type of grownups that toddlers love to share their toys with, and that teens feel comfortable confiding in—both situations that we have witnessed when with them in a social setting.

We strongly urge those involved to approve this adoption. It's time for our friends to become parents, and it's time for a child to find a loving home with them.



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